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Equipment Program

Medical Grade Footwear (MGF)


The Medical Grade Footwear/Orthotics stream is for people who:

  • Are aged 18 years or older.
  • Live in Metropolitan Adelaide Suburb-Listing-for-Metropolitan-Adelaide (DOCX 172.0 KB)
  • Demonstrate one or more of the key approval criteria for equipment including safety, independence / function, prevention of deterioration and / or potential for functional gain.
  • Cannot access Medical Grade Footwear and / or Foot / Ankle Orthoses through an alternative funding source, for example the NDIS or My Aged Care.

The following items are available for eligible persons through the Equipment Program:

  • Foot Orthoses / Ankle Foot Orthoses – prefabricated
  • Foot Orthoses / Ankle Foot Orthoses – custom made
  • Hip / Knee Orthoses – custom (may extend to other joints)
  • Medical Grade Footwear – prefabricated
  • Medical Grade Footwear – customised
  • Medical Grade Footwear – custom made

The following documents will help the prescriber to identify the Medical Grade Footwear / Orthoses that are available through the Equipment Program:

Assessment and Ordering

Assessment and Ordering

Medical grade footwear and orthotics must be assessed by a suitably qualified allied health professional who will submit all paperwork to the Equipment Program.

People receiving Disability Support for Older Australians (DSOA) services, may be eligible to access assessment services through their DSOA provider.

An assessment can be arranged (which the individual may need to pay for) through:

  • a Medicare Chronic Disease Management Plan through their GP
  • a private therapist (heath insurance or self-funded)
  • the Commonwealth My Aged Care Programme (people aged 65 years and over only) or
  • SA Health or Country Connect.

Submitting a request for Equipment

Details of the requirements of the equipment item must be recorded on the following request forms.

Follow up and Review

Follow up

Follow-up of equipment provided is mandatory to ensure that the item issued to a person meets their needs and can be used appropriately and safely. A review may be completed by phone or in person, depending on the complexity of the item provided.


Reviews are encouraged after a person has had their equipment for a period of time. It helps to identify any potential concerns with the equipment or how it is being used or if the item needs replacement. Changes such as a person’s condition, their ability to use the modifications, a change in the living situation, or deterioration of the item are addressed by these checks.

Prescribers are encouraged to undertake reviews, and identify any risks before an incident occurs.

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Last updated:06 Nov 2023 11:47am
Provided by:
Department of Human Services
Last Updated:
27 Mar 2018
Printed on:
27 Jul 2024
The Equipment Program website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence. © Copyright 2016